Temat: Position of adverbs and adverbial phrases.
Temat: Future perfect and future continuous. Describing the weather.
Podręcznik str 37 zad 2e, 2f,
Zad 3b str 38
Wykonaj zadania
Wybierz 3 tematy i przygotuj się do wypowiedzi ustnej.
1. Describe the climate and weather in your country.
2. Prezpare a weather forecast for one day.
3. Describe the world in 50 years' time. How will people be living?
4. Talk about climate changes in your country.
5. Describe one extreme sport.
6. What will you be doing when you have passed your exams?
7. Your own topic.
1. Słownictwo dział 4A.
2. Czasy Future continuous and Future Perfect. 4A
3. 0, 1 tryb warunkowy oraz zdania okolocznikowe czasu (z before, after, in case, after, itd) 4B
4. Wyrażenia z" take " oraz phrasal verbs z "take". 4B