The module covers the knowledge in the area of international and European Social Law. The different approaches of social law and social policy and the different approaches on welfare states will be reviewed. The social models and the differences between the welfare systems of the It will be analyzed. The organizational structure of the international and European social law will be analyzed, as well (UN, ILO, Council of Europe, EU). The course will cover the knowledge on the tiers of international and European social regulation, e.g. the global conventions (especially the conventions of the UN, and the conventions of the ILO), the European conventions (especially the European Social Charter and the European Social Charter /Revised/) and the bilateral agreements on social law. The course presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of international and European social law. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different legal and welfare systems and distinct legal solutions.
The training school brings together PhD students and young career researchers working
on intergovernmental coordination from different disciplinary angles and research
questions. The training school covers conceptual distinctions, different types of
coordination and their implications for questions of representation, legitimacy and
accountability of decision-making, to methodological questions of measuring
coordination for comparative research purposes. The school is being delivered by leading
scholars of this COST Action from across Europe. Each session will be led by the
teaching team, who will introduce the key conceptual terms and arguments of the debate.
Participants will engage in discussion of issues and practical exercises of real-world
scenarios of intergovernmental coordination, and have the opportunity to present and get
feedback on their own research.
The training school brings together young researchers from different disciplinary
backgrounds with an interest in topics of intergovernmental coordination spanning from
comparative research on policy problems and solutions involving coordination; practical
examples of coordination problems and how they were managed or overcome by political
actors; to the politics of coordination and normative questions of legitimacy and
accountability of interdependent decision-making in multi-level contexts. Each
participant will give a paper presentation about their own research project as part of the
training school.
Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studenta z systemem ochrony praw podstawowych zbudowanych w ramach Unii Europejskiej. Jest to system niezależny od krajowych systemów ochrony praw człowieka i systemów ochrony międzynarodowej. Pomimo niezależności systemowej system ten merytorycznie czerpie z doświadczeń i dorobku państw członkowskich UE i europejskiego systemu ochrony praw człowieka opartego na Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka. Odrębności systemowe ochrony praw podstawowych wynikają ze specyfiki UE jako organizacji ponadnarodowej. Prawa podstawowe chronione w tym systemie obejmują zarówno prawa I, jak i II generacji i są dochodzone przy okazji rozpatrywania tzw. sprawy unijnej. Podstawowym aktem normatywnym jest Karta Praw Podstawowych. Niemniej przez co najmniej trzy dekady prawa podstawowe były kształtowane i chronione na drodze orzeczniczej przez Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości i następcę prawnego Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej.
Law of the policies of the European Union - 2nd part
- Professor: István Hoffman
The module covers the knowledge in the area of international and European Social Law. The different approaches of social law and social policy and the different approaches on welfare states will be reviewed. The social models and the differences between the welfare systems of the It will be analyzed. The organizational structure of the international and European social law will be analyzed, as well (UN, ILO, Council of Europe, EU). The course will cover the knowledge on the tiers of international and European social regulation, e.g. the global conventions (especially the conventions of the UN, and the conventions of the ILO), the European conventions (especially the European Social Charter and the European Social Charter /Revised/) and the bilateral agreements on social law. The course presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of international and European social law. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different legal and welfare systems and distinct legal solutions.
- Professor: István Hoffman
The module covers the knowledge in the area of international disability law. Firstly, the interpre-tations and definitions on disability will be reviewed. The medical, social and human rights ap-proaches on disability will be reviewed. The differences between the models will be analyzed. The organizational structure of the international disability law will be analyzed, as well (UN, Council of Europe, EU). The course will cover the knowledge on the tiers of international and European regulation on disability law. The course presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of international disability law. The protection of the rights of people with disabil-ities will be analyzed and the different legal protection models (e.g. UN CRPD, CoE ECHR and EU) will be compared. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different legal systems – in the light of the regulation on the rights of people with disabilities.
- Professor: István Hoffman
The module covers the knowledge in the area of international disability law. Firstly, the interpre-tations and definitions on disability will be reviewed. The medical, social and human rights ap-proaches on disability will be reviewed. The differences between the models will be analyzed. The organizational structure of the international disability law will be analyzed, as well (UN, Council of Europe, EU). The course will cover the knowledge on the tiers of international and European regulation on disability law. The course presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of international disability law. The protection of the rights of people with disabil-ities will be analyzed and the different legal protection models (e.g. UN CRPD, CoE ECHR and EU) will be compared. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different legal systems – in the light of the regulation on the rights of people with disabilities.
- Professor: István Hoffman
The module covers the knowledge in the area of the comparative municipal law, the public services provided by the municipal units especially in the European Union (and party in an-other major countries of the World). It includes the characteristics of the public services and operating model of municipal tasks in the field of public services. It presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of municipal law, the role of the European Union in the field of local public services, and the major service fields. The course will analyse the provision of the local welfare services, education services, cultural and sport services and the management of the local public utilities and local public transport. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different law systems and distinct legal solutions, mutu-al relations of the authorities, concepts of municipal units, public service provision and ad-ministrative law doctrine.
- Professor: István Hoffman
The module covers the knowledge in the area of the comparative administrative law, in the first part of the course, the legal regulation on the administrative bodies. It includes the characteristics of the comparative law, especially, the comparative administrative law. It will cover knowledge on the legal regulation on administrative bodies, their tasks and legal sta-tus. It presents the review of the fundamental terms and institutions of comparative adminis-trative law, the role of the integrations in the field of administrative law, especially on the role of the European Administrative Space. The course will analyse the different administrative systems. The module develops the ability of comparative analysis of different law systems and distinct legal solutions, mutual relations of the authorities, concepts of municipal units, public service provision and administrative law doctrine.
- Professor: István Hoffman